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Underage Drinking

A bigger issue than you think....

Underage drinking is an extremely common and prevalent issue among those who are under the age of 21. Consuming alcohol illegally is a big problem for the people themselves, and can also have an effect on others who are of the legal age to consume alcohol. Underage people are not always aware of the serious consequences that can come from drinking underage.

The purpose of this article is to discuss the consequences for underage drinkers on themselves, their families, and all of society. There are tons of negative consequences that can result from underage drinking, and it is important that this issue is addressed around the country. There are near 4,300 deaths every year as a result of underage drinking, which is completely unacceptable. A problem that should be strongly addressed is how easily accessible alcohol is to youths.

I very much agree with everything stated in this article. Underage drinking is a large, widespread problem that has terrible effects on everyone effected. Health and social problems are part of the results of underage drinking, which both require a lot of money to be implemented. I think that underage drinking is a very prominent issue, and that it is not taken as seriously as it should be. No one should ever have to deal with the loss of a loved one due to consuming alcohol, especially when it is done illegally.

However, if you or a loved one has gotten into a situation involving an underage drinking charge, criminal attorneys can be here to help sort things out for you. Getting an underage drinking charge typically will require classes or community service for the client, but are very beneficial in preventing a drinking problem from evolving into something much worse.

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